Chapter 1: The Rose & Thistle

The Rose & Thistle Signage

On the evening of October 1st the mead was flowing endlessly from the casks stacked behind the bar. Barmaids gripping 6 mugs per hand, effortlessly weaved through the rowdy tavern making frothy deliveries.  The fiddlers strum madly with an upbeat and cheerful melody, while the ambient noise seems to raise in volume proportional to the number of empty mugs on the tables.

There is no reserved seating here at the Rose & Thistle, with most nights you are lucky to find an empty chair.  Tonight was different however, only those who were summoned were allowed through the doors of the tavern, and there looked to be enough tables set up to accommodate everyone. Seated randomly at one sticky table near the bar were 7 strangers. A full round of Rose Hip Mead slams down at the table, as the wench disappearing into the crowd.

Abruptly the music ceases, as Vyksyl Valsung and Thornguard General Grevator take the main stage. Everyone rushes to a table like a drunken game of musical chairs. The old druid begins; "Brothers and sisters of Briarwood, I know you are all eager to cast your vote this evening, however the elections have been postponed." A hush falls upon the once rowdy tavern. "You have been summoned here this evening for a reason more dire. We have lost communication with the nearby City of Arcadon, which as you know supplies us with refined metals, weapons, and tools from their world renowned forges. Trade caravans have gone missing, and only a single scouting party has reported back.  Our neighbour is in danger and we are duty bound to assist them."

Mumbles and grunts can be heard among the summoned crowd. "I don't owe them anything, I'm a farmer!" one scruffy young fellow shouted, with nods of agreement at his table.  Vyksyl continued: "You all have your citizenship cards with you correct? Read the fine print below your signature". Looking down, the thick signature line to your amazement actually reads [In the event of a state of emergency the above signed agrees to be drafted into the Thornguard]. "You are all officially drafted into the Thornguard, congratulations." Vyksyl begins slamming the butt of his staff upon the stage, the Elvan runes down the shaft glowing bright green with each strike. The Briarwood rune on your membership card softly pulses green in sync with his staff.  "Your signature is your bond, the arcane contract is now activated. Should you decide not to fulfill your contracted duty there will be consequences". With that, Vyksyl turns on his heel and marches off stage and into the back rooms.

General Grevator clears his throat, "Ok termites listen up! At each of your tables is one member of the Thornguard". You notice at your table a Human with dashing golden locks wearing the Thornguard crest admiring himself in a polished spoon. "This is your ranking officer, you will obey his orders, you will respect each other, you will work as a team, you will succeed in your mission! Officers, issue your orders!"

The Human Paladin sweeps back his hair and announces "Hey guys, I'm Douchemario, I'll be your Officer on this adventure". Going around the table you find Ravalynn the Wood Elf Druid, Arcen Dunbain the Human Cleric, Akullan the High Elf Fighter, Lucan Fane the Half-Elf Fighter, Elffy (the Vampire Slayer) the Wood Elf Ranger, and Theo the Halfling Monk. "Ok ladies and gentlemen we're supposed to report to the Barracks tonight, and find that scouting party first thing tomorrow. Bring nothing with you, everything will be provided. Party - move out!".

The walk to the barracks was uneventful, and the temporary lodging even less memorable.  Theo, Akullan, and Arcen decide to slip out and go drinking, of which Theo and Akullan remain hungover the next morning, feeling a level of exhaustion. Douchemario marches everyone to the armory at first daylight, handing out padded and hide armor. The weapon selection is limited to wooden and stone items as the metal shipments from Arcadon have ceased.  With a carefully trained eye, Douchemario chooses a weapon for each member of his squad, much to the distaste of most of them. After gearing up with rations and adventuring packs, the party heads out the Western gates towards the advanced scouting party's last known location.

How will the party fare under the seasoned Lieutenant Douchemario's command and will they work as a team? Only time will tell.